Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Coffee So Rich That ...

Coffee So Rich

My good friend Mark took Philip and myself out for lunch today at a new restaurant in Bowmanville. The food was delicious. I must bring Wenda there. 
This was after I put on my newly acquired skates and tested the waters (hard water) at the local arena. It has been 35 years since I have skated and these skates are a lot different from the "tube skates" that I bought in 1969. While, I am proud that my pride is somewhat in tack, I did look like a fish outa water flailing my arms for balance. I guess I will try it a few more times so I can skate with the grandkids at Tracy's house. Frank has put in a 100 foot by 40 foot rink beside the house. One tanker load of water (8000 gallons) later and it is looking pretty good with over 2 inches of ice formed. Tomorrow, he is putting another tanker load of water on it. The hardest thing now is keeping the kids off it until it is thick enough to skate on.