Saturday, 25 December 2010

Christmas Morning

We make a point of being there before the kids come down the stairs to see the presents under the tree. Certainly it is a magical moment and you can only see the magic in the eyes of a child on Christmas morning. Santa had come, ate the cookies and gone and now it was time to see what Santa had left for them.
First the stockings, then breakfast, and try to have the kids take turns opening their presents. After that we had a lovely turkey dinner, complete with homemade pies ... mmmm it was good. To work that off, I took the boys out on the new skating rink for some skating and hockey practice. Forty five minutes later two rosy cheaked boys were ready to come in and warm up.
Another Christmas has come and gone, and I am so happy for the kids. Click here to see more pics of the Christmas morning.
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