Thursday, 27 May 2010

Thems The Breaks

It has been a week and a half and the temporary cast has come off now. We had a look at the x-rays and saw that the main weight bearing bone had 2 breaks and the lesser one had a diagonal break. The ligaments must have stretched a bit as there was a 2 to 3 mm gap in the joint where the foot flexes. Lots of screws holding all that metal in place.  She had 40 metal staples to close the incision and those were removed today (painfully). It was a relief to have that temp plaster cast off and now Wenda has an air cast. It is hard for her to flex the foot right now and I see no movement when she tries so it looks like lots of physio to get that foot workin. If you click on the image above you can see it bigger. Click here to see the foot without its cast.
Thursday I took Wenda to try on her dress for Wenda's wedding and managed a couple pictures of Wenda doing a flamingo (standing on one leg).