Saturday, 8 May 2010


Our last place to visit on the trip was the Ford Museum just outside of Detroit Michigan. Henry died in 1949 and had this museum largely constructed by then ... money was not an problem and he obtained any and all that he wanted for it. Most people would think that it is just about cars but it is much more than that as it showcases the first steam engine used to pump water out of mines in England in 1710, steam tractors in agriculture, electric cars, bicycles, airplanes, the home of the 1930's, steam trains from the very first one that hauled stage coaches on railroad steel wheels to the last of the big steam locomotives. It took us the day to see this part of the museum but there is the village that he created which is a whole different part of the story and that would take another day to see. Click here to see Henry's pride and joy.
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