Sunday, 4 September 2011

Princess Swing

Today Frank and Tracy went out to get a baby monitor and a swing for Lilly. The technology sure has improved since Aiden was born. Here we have the "Princess Swing" with a 110 volt plug for the mechanical mechanism up top. It plays quite a variety of songs, swings the seat, rotates the mobile around and up and down, and at night projects stars on to the baby. The baby monitor has the sensors for her breathing rate, and a camera with infra red night time illumination. There is a 10 inch monitor that sits on a stand downstairs so you can see the baby at all times on the monitor even though the baby is on the floor above. There is also a mobile monitor that you carry on your belt to a range of 350 feet and it has alarms plus a small video monitor so you can see the baby even if you are out of the house. The technology is amazing!

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