Saturday, 25 June 2011

Aiden Scores a Goal

In "REP" soccer you are disciplined to play your position, but one is always encouraged to play forward when the opportunity presents. Aiden had been assigned a defense position for today and so the scoring opportunities are limited. Still he did manage to get into the thick of it in front of the opposing net and do a little fake before scoring a goal. The team won 5 to 3 against Oshawa, but what was even more impressive was a 1 - 1 tie against Woodbridge which is a soccer crazy area of Toronto. They did it by incorporating more and better passing into their game. Last year in their recreational league these kids would just charge ahead from one end of the field to the other and score, but this year all that has changed - you must make one touch to control the ball then pass.
It was raining lightly all morning and that meant we all got a little wet in the process. Tomorrow we face another two Toronto teams. Can we do it again?
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