Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Quinten Scores a Goal

We went to Quinten's game on Monday. His dad Frank is the coach of the team as he was for Aiden when he was in recreational soccer. At 5 years old, you have a wide range in enthusiasm for the sport by the team members. Sometimes a goal is scored and the goalie will just cry out loud. At other times the goalie is climbing the goal posts like a jungle gym. Quinten is all about scoring goals and getting his teammates to kick the ball in the 'right direction'. He is supposed to be playing defense but all bets are off once the ball is kicked.
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Saturday, 25 June 2011

Aiden Scores a Goal

In "REP" soccer you are disciplined to play your position, but one is always encouraged to play forward when the opportunity presents. Aiden had been assigned a defense position for today and so the scoring opportunities are limited. Still he did manage to get into the thick of it in front of the opposing net and do a little fake before scoring a goal. The team won 5 to 3 against Oshawa, but what was even more impressive was a 1 - 1 tie against Woodbridge which is a soccer crazy area of Toronto. They did it by incorporating more and better passing into their game. Last year in their recreational league these kids would just charge ahead from one end of the field to the other and score, but this year all that has changed - you must make one touch to control the ball then pass.
It was raining lightly all morning and that meant we all got a little wet in the process. Tomorrow we face another two Toronto teams. Can we do it again?
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Thursday, 23 June 2011

Fiesta Week Food

I went out to Fiesta Week with my friend John, one of the parents of a boy on Aiden's soccer team. It was a good opportunity to sample the foods of many cultures. At the German pavilion we had sausage topped with a huge amount of saurkraut.

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Fathers Day

As did many others, Wenda and I spent Sunday in Lindsay with her parents, Ken and Doreen. Being as this is Fathers Day, we took them out to dinner at Hobarts, a very nice steak house in town. After losing a couple of hands at cards, I began to appreciate that we were like sheep to the lions. These guys are very sharp at cards and one should enter the card game at your own peril.

We had taken a few pictures of our Great Wall of China that we are building around the rockery in our front yard. Like "The Great Wall" it does not run straight but somewhat follows the terrain though somewhat crookedly. Four times she has rebuilt it to get that top layer true.

Click here to see a couple pictures of The Great Wall of China.

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Friday, 17 June 2011

Schwing Time

A nice sunny day calls for visit to the park. Papa come push me on th schfwing. So cute and such a brief moment in time.

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Champion Effort

Aiden worked hard in their latest game against Pickering. He played midfielder in the first half and defense in the last half. The team struggled to find the passing discipline that they had done so well in practice. It must be said that this was a disciplined team that they were up against and it certainly was not easy going for our guys.
I parked along the curb next to the soccer field however I later learned that it was a no-parking area and I was ticketed. Since the no-parking sign was totally obscured by foliage, I took a picture of it and now have another project to persue in my retirement "My Day in Court". It should be interesting.
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Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Fathers Day Celebration

I was pressed into backup duty for Lexy's fathers day party at her nursery school. She made this lovely card and picked out a cup for my coffee.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Working on the Wall

Wenda is in full swing getting all her blocks just right as we slowly build the retaining wall for the rockery.

Friday, 10 June 2011

Taking a Dip

It was a day off from school for the grandkids so we took them to Terry's place for a swim and BBQ. I had to do a show off dive for them and this one turned into a back-flop. It was a nice day to be a kid and for us retired folks we are all kids at heart and re-discovering our lost inner childhood.
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Thursday, 9 June 2011

One Hail of a Time

We were just about to start Aiden's soccer game when the cold cold winds blew in. There was the rattle of thunder to the West, and the flashes of lightening soon followed. All of a sudden, marble sized hail was coming down, and then the size of it grew larger to golf-ball size. The sound was deafining.

Sunday, 5 June 2011

Cheap Gas

While taking Wenda's parents and aunts out for dinner this Sunday, I discovered what must be the cheapest gas pump in Canada.  I filled up at the Curve Lake native reserve paying just $1.15 per litre. A savings of about 15 cents a litre from the metro area, but wait there was another pump right beside it with the amazing price of just $1.003 per litre. Unfortunately you had to be native to use that pump, and even though I sported a ruddy complexion with aboriginal nose, they still wanted to see my native card to use this pump.

Avanti and Anniversary

Out for a drive on a Friday evening we came upon a group of Studebakers in the parking lot. Here is just one of them, the Avanti, a design that was well ahead of the rest in the 60's. But alas, it was too late for Studebaker when this baby hit the show rooms, its fate was already sealed.

The Water's Edge

We went to the Water's Edge Restaurant in Bobcaygeon Ontario to celebrate Ken and Doreen's 67th anniversary. The restaurant is on the Trent Waterway. So we had lots to look at with the pleasure boats going by. Doreen's sisters Nancy and Eileen came along fof the celebration. Great weather and good friends. It was a lovely day.