Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Algonquin Park Adventure


I would like to introduce you to my new sister Janet Kirby. She is going through a divorce from my brother so I suppose the "in-law" part of our relationship departs and she now becomes my sister.
Wenda, Janet and I did a 535 km daytrip through Algonquin Park and visited the well hidden Egan Chute, where we were both attacked by mosquitoes and soaked by rain. In all, we saw three sets of waterfalls and toured a bit of Algonquin Park - Canada's first provincial park and the local of great lumber industry in the 19th century where half of all able bodied men in Canada worked in the 19th century.
We had a great time and look forward to more day trips this summer. Click here to see the pictures of this trip.
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