Friday, 18 July 2008

Swimming Lessons Week


At the end of the week of swimming lessons, we managed this group photo of the kids. Aiden has not taken lessons for a year and a half, but this was Quinten's first time with lessons. You could tell as Quinten seemed to be more interested in playing in the water than following instructions. His instructors were persistent and used various toys to get him to engage in the program. Click here to see more pictures.
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Sunday, 13 July 2008

Construction Guys


The boys wanted a private area under the "Pirate Ship", soon Aiden was the 'Construction Boss' and we worked together to make one of the privacy walls. Quinten was helping to cut the wood and we had a work crew going.

We went to the Lindsey Classic Car display today. The entire downtown section was filled with classic cars. Ken liked the 'Brits in the Park' because he could see the Brittish bikes that he used to ride. I used to own an MG Midget, and a couple of Bug Eyed Sprites so it was a treat for me to see them too. Click on this link to see more pics.
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Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Algonquin Park Adventure


I would like to introduce you to my new sister Janet Kirby. She is going through a divorce from my brother so I suppose the "in-law" part of our relationship departs and she now becomes my sister.
Wenda, Janet and I did a 535 km daytrip through Algonquin Park and visited the well hidden Egan Chute, where we were both attacked by mosquitoes and soaked by rain. In all, we saw three sets of waterfalls and toured a bit of Algonquin Park - Canada's first provincial park and the local of great lumber industry in the 19th century where half of all able bodied men in Canada worked in the 19th century.
We had a great time and look forward to more day trips this summer. Click here to see the pictures of this trip.
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Monday, 7 July 2008

Cottage Life


Wenda's cousin Janice and her husband Greg invited us to spend Sunday at their cottage on an island of solid granite rock. The rock was smoothed by glacier action more than 14000 years ago leaving mostly flat surfaces with well rounded edges. Wenda's aunt and uncle along with Wenda's parents accompanied us to this island paradise. Lots of sun, swimming, a wonderful meal and great company as the families got together. Click here to see more pictures of our day at a cottage.
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Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Standing at Window


All of our grandkids have started off standing at this window. First it was Amber, then Aiden, Quinten and now Lexy. She is just 10 months old and getting herself prepared for her first step. We took the kids to the park today and they had a great time. The weather was perfect for being outdoors. Click here to see more of the pictures.
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