Thursday, 31 October 2013

4 Grandkids on Halloween

Quin the hunter, Aiden as Paul Bunting, Lexy as a girl skeleton, and Lilly as a unicorn.

Monday, 28 October 2013

Scary Jacks

Here's the final product.

Carvin Pumpkins

All four kids got into the act of making Jack-O-Lanterns ,and this time Lilly is in the thick of it.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

House Inflation

The framers are busy putting the second story on Tracy and Frank's house.

Saturday, 19 October 2013

Wild Turkeys

We're about to sit down for our week delayed Thanksgiving dinner when a hen and her flock show up in the back yard at Tracy's.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

Beats NHL Record for Hat Trick

CLARINGTON -- A Clarington boy was on a hockey high after scoring a natural hat trick, three goals, in just 19 seconds during a tournament last weekend.
Ten-year-old Aiden Cupelli, a centre for the Clarington atom A Toros, was playing in the Avalanche Minor Sports Thanksgiving Tournament at York University on Oct. 11 against the Goulding Park Rangers when it happened.
“In the second period he came on for a shift and he scored a goal and another goal and a third, the time from the first goal to the third goal was just 19 seconds,” said Aiden’s proud grandfather, Allan Kirby.

Saturday, 12 October 2013

Select 7 Kid

Quin got his new team outfit for his competitive team. He has a great coach and a super bunch of talented team mates.

Friday, 11 October 2013

Almost a World Record

Aiden had an amazing hockey game at the York University Campus today. He scored 3 goals in one shift. According to the official game sheet it was just 19 seconds between the first goal and his third goal.
A quick internet search tells us that the quickest hat-trick in minor hockey was 35 seconds then a boy from Cobourg broke that record at 14 seconds three year's ago, and I guess it still stands because Aiden's were 19 seconds apart. That all happened in the second period. In the third period Aiden scored another 2 goals on the same shift just seconds apart. Final score 6 to 0 with Aiden scoring 5 of them.

Hat Stealer

Lilly steals my hockey hat and acts sassy with it.

Thursday, 10 October 2013

The Addition

Frank has the material on hand and figures the framing part of the addition to the house can be done in 4 working days

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Magical Milkweed

Lilly discovers how their seeds fly in the wind.

Lilly Finds Fish

We took Lilly on a nature walk along the creek in Bowmanville today. Lots of salmon heading upstream to spawn.

Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Apple Picking With Lilly

Lilly discovered Apples grow on trees, while I was looking for the money tree.