Saturday, 23 February 2013

400 Girls

200 teams of 2 girls each are competing in a beach volleyball competition. It must be college reading week because the complextion of the beach has certainly changed. 

Friday, 22 February 2013

500 years old

Its an old Oak Tree that I am referring to and not Wenda of course. We are visiting the quaint old village of  Safety Harbour.

Thursday, 21 February 2013

Life's a Beach

Its our second time dining out at the "Island Way" restaurant. Its hard to compare an outdoor restaurant at 26c at sunset two meals with dessert and coffee for $25. Wow!

I Love This Snow

Sunshine Medicine

Nothing like a bottle of premixed Margarita to get you in the mood.

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Tampa Bay Cheerleaders

Leafs Game

Wenda and I are at Tampa watching the Leafs play. Great seats. There sure are a lot of Leafs fans here - cheering section is louder than Tampa's.

Monday, 18 February 2013

Sandy Was Nude on the Beach

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Arts 'n Crafts Festival

It's a bit cool and breezy today so on the recomendation of our friends, we took in the festival on the old streets of Dunedin. Lots of unique stuff for sale. We had a nice Mexican lunch. Life is an adventure here.

The Artist

Lilly loves to draw. She will hold the pencil crayon properly in either hand and draw.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Mall Train

We're out on a Valentine's date - dinner and a movie at the local mall in Clearwater. This locomotive runs the length of the mall taking kids and parents for a ride.

Sunset at Clearwater /beach

It's lovely walking the beach at Clearwater. People flock to the beach at sunset just to get a glimpse of the golden sunsets and other swear that they can see a flash of green just as the sun disappears. This beach was voted the best in Florida. The southern part is beautiful powder sand and where we are there is a bit more shells in the sand. They power rake the beach each day and gradually the sand gets better and better.
Click here to see more pictures. You will see the oldest school house in St. Augustine Florida as well as some more pictures of life on the beach with our friends David and Sharon.
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Hooters Pirate Ship

One of the bigger floats in the Dunedin Mardi Gras was the Hooters Pirate Ship.
Together, Wenda and I received over 80 bead necklaces. With 30,000 people along the route thats a lot of beads!!!!

Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Lots of Beads

We went to the Dunedin Mardi Gras parade tonight and collected a "ton" of beads from the parade participants and Wenda did not have to lift her top even once!

Beach Walkin

We might just see a bit of rain tomorrow so today we decided to walk the beach. I walk an hour a day soaking up my vitamin D.

Monday, 11 February 2013

Happy Birthday Allan

Allan and Wenda with friends David and Sharon

Dinner with Winter

David and Sharon Staples have taken us to an absolute devine restaurant in the bay right next to the seaquarium that holds Winter from the movie " Dolfin Tale ". Thank you my friends.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Ahaaaarr Matey

We went on a drive to John's Pass about a half hour south of Clearwater. This is another touristy area with old fishing wharfs converted to trendy bars and grills. We had a delightful lunch at Hooters where this pirate ship docked to take on crew. 27c and sunny - real hard to take.

Thursday, 7 February 2013

Flying High

Part of our touring around today brought us to this beach at the south end of the peninsula. You would think this to be a young man's sport but a few of these high flying kite flyers are my age.

Gospel Music

We went out to the local Baptist church to hear a travelling group of gospel singers perform. They were great.

Ho Ho Ho

Wenda loves the Christmas Store. This place is huge and the jolly man himself was there. Today was a shopping day with lots of deals. Nothing like 80% off on men's clothes.

Tuesday, 5 February 2013

Ice Pad In Mall

Wenda and I were surprised to see an ice rink in the middle of a mall in Florida. No only that, they had a miniature train with kid size passenger cars going through the entire mall. It used the wheel chair ramps to get to all levels.

Diet? What Diet?

There is this terrific place called Steak 'n Shake that has half price shakes between 2 and 4

Baltimore Ravens Sky Photo

We were walking down the beach looking for inspiration when we saw this devine image appear in the sky. Its like someone was telling me to 'bet on the Ravens in the super bowl'. Unfortunately, just like the dome malfunction in Louisiana, there was a 2 day delay in getting the message to me.

Monday, 4 February 2013

Lookin Out My Backdoor

Just like the words to the song... good good lookin out my back door. Clothes are all unpacked, been food shopping and now it's time to get kickin back and wriggle our toes in the sand. The temperature is about 68 F. Or 20c today and getting a lot warmer the rest of the week.

Saturday, 2 February 2013

Salt Crystals

You know you've been heavily emersed in the stuff when you notice salt crystals 'growing' on your side mirror!  14 hours of that stuff on the roads does tend to leave its mark. Today we are finally free of it. Clear sailing. We are thinking of going to St. Augestine Florida to see if Wenda can relate to the " Oldest Schoolhouse in North America", but first this baby needs a wash!

Valentines Decorations

We stayed at the Fairfield in Elkin N.C. last night. This place regularly wins awards for their theme decorations. It is a very comfortable place to stay at. They sure have done their homework. Thanks to Lois and Sharon for the recommendation.  Still -7 outside and I'm gonna need Mack the Knife to scrape the growth of salt crystals that have accumulated on my side mirror during yesterday's drive.