Friday, 22 May 2009

Too Shy To Sing

What happens when you are supposed to sing along at the annual concert, but you are too shy. Well you take a step back, tuck in behind a bigger kid and try and rub out an immaginary stain on your shirt. Quinten normally dances and sings to the videos on his TV at home, but he is not one to stand in front of a crowd to sing, even if there are a dozen or more on the stage with him. We love our shy guy. Click on the picture to see it in large size.
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Thursday, 21 May 2009

Pretty Flower

Lexy came over to visit today. With such a pretty model on hand, how could I resist taking a few pictures of our granddaughter. We then went outside and explored the great outdoors. Click here to see a few more of the pictures taken today of Lexy.
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Wednesday, 13 May 2009

Some Days Are Like This

Some days we all feel like the monkey in the cage. Today the grade 7's visited the Toronto Zoo and I was in charge of one of the buses. The weather was absolutely perfect, and the kids were well behaved so it was a pretty good experience overall. I brought my big lens which allowed me to reach right into the animal's domain, without having to crawl into the monkey cage with them.
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Monday, 11 May 2009

Megan McKelvey and Aaron Staples are soon to be married. Wenda and I attended a shower for them on Saturday at the home of our friends David and Sharon Staples. What a lively bunch of guests. We had a great time with party activities and a super buffet. Good luck Megan and Aaron may all your troubles be little ones.   Click here to see more photos.
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Sunday, 3 May 2009

Sunset Walk

From left to right Bev, Wenda, David, Sharon and Phil joined me for a sunset walk in a conservation area right next to David and Sharon's home. After a delicious dinner, we walked through the park at sunset. Then we played Mexican Train and laughed til we cried. We always have a great time when we get together. It was a good time to celebrate my decision to retire in June. Click on the picture to see it full size.
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